The Technology Experiment


Have you ever wondered why some people are afraid of technology?
The fear of technology is Technophobia.
Technophobia began to gain national and international attention as a movement with the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. With the development of new machines able to do the work of skilled craftsmen using unskilled, underpaid men, women, and children, those who worked a trade began to fear for their livelihoods. In 1675, a group of weavers destroyed machines that replaced their jobs. By 1727, the destruction had become so prevalent that Parliament made the demolition of machines a capital offense. This action, however, did not stop the tide of violence. The Luddites, a group of anti-technology workers, united under the name “Ludd” in March 1811, removing key components from knitting frames, raiding houses for supplies, and petitioning for trade rights while threatening greater violence. Ever since that happened, many people have gotten even more afraid of technology, and it has spread into pop culture.
I Robot, Terminator, Robocop, and 2001 a Space Odyssey, are all examples of movies about Robots who want to harm humans.
Some people have asked the question of why people are afraid of technology, but no one has ever been able to come up with a good answer, until the 1990s, when some british scientists tried to answer the question, but the answer was not something that they wanted.

The Story

In the United Kingdom in the 1990s, four British scientists named Francesca Hamilton, Amber Hussain, Joseph Flynn, and Tyler Parkes, gathered in their laboratory to discuss the question, "Why are people afraid of technology."
They started discussing and here is the transcript of the conversation:
Francesca: "I think that people are afraid of technology because of movies like 2001 a Space Odyssey."
Tyler: "No, that couldn't be true because then they would be afraid of space, and their roombas as well."
Amber: "Well Tyler, what do ''you ''think is the reason then?"
Tyler: "I think it's because of video games, because they cause violence and stuff in young people!"
Amber: "Tyler, I think you've been watching too much Fox News.
Tyler: "But I proved that video games cause violence!"
Tyler: "Oh, right."
Joseph: "Guys, chill out, I think I know what the reason is!"
Amber: "What is it?"
Joseph: "I think that it's caused by the rise of automation during the industrial revolution, and how it replaced people's jobs that they trained for.
Everyone except Joseph: No that makes too much sense
(The Transcript Ends Here)
The next day the team decided to show people technology and then ask them if they were afraid of it. They ran into a hipster who said that being afraid of technology was too mainstream, and a Philosopher named Freddie Morrison, who said that he wasn't afraid of technology, but technology was afraid of him.
The next day, they decided to show technology to different people on the street to see if they were afraid of it, the person who was most afraid of technology was a woman, who thought that the technology was a gun, here is the footage of her reaction.
The scientists did these experiments for the next year, and they could not find any answers. They decided that people were afraid of technology because they might be thinking it was going to replace them.
But one day they got a call from the house of Freddie Morrison, but instead of Freddie's voice, they got a strange robotic voice that said, "I have gotten the one who was not afraid of us."
The team decided to rush down to Freddie's house to see if they could see if what they thought happened, had happened.
Sadly, Freddie Morrison was dead on the ground of his house, with a gear imprinted on where he was stabbed.
The scientists came to the conclusion that they were right about robots replacing humans, no job line was safe, even murder.
And if you ever say that you're not afraid of technology, then you're next.